
what are sewing pattern alterations for?

When you sew a dress that doesn't fit, what do you do to improve the fit next time you sew? Do you do any sewing pattern alterations?

What really are pattern alterations?

Pattern alterations are key to sewing a dress that fits.

Think about how you feel when you wear a dress that truly fits. Think about how you view the day when you are wearing a dress that fits and is comfortable.

Don’t you feel better about yourself and feel more positive about the day when you are wearing a dress you love and that truly fits?

Let’s say you buy a new pattern and sew it to the size you think will fit. You try it on and nothing seems to fit. Maybe a few areas kind of fit, but for the most part the dress is just not right.

Now what?

sewing pattern alterations-a dress that fits

Sewing a dress that fits is going to take effort. Sometimes more effort than we would like to put into it. But think about the outcome and what you are reaching for. 

You want to go out with friends in a dress that fits. You want to go to church in a dress that fits. You want to be able to wear a dress that you don’t feel like you need to cover up with a sweater so that nobody sees that it doesn’t fit.

So, if you want all that then sewing pattern alterations are going to be necessary.

sewing pattern alterations-a good fit everywhere

A dress that is sewn without pattern alterations is going to probably fit in some areas but not all. The reason for pattern alterations is so that the dress fits everywhere. 

This doesn’t mean a perfect fit that has no flaws whatsoever. This means a fit that you are happy with. A fit that is comfortable for you. That’s it. You don’t need to make the dress fit how you think someone else would like to see it. If you like the fit, that's what matters. 

Now if you wonder if you should make alterations in a certain area but you’re not sure, absolutely ask for help and opinions. That’s what friends are for. 😀

Cut and sew

Once alterations have been made to the pattern and the revised version is ready, the dress simply needs to be cut out and sewn!

Isn't that great?

Making sewing pattern alterations gives you the fit you want in every part of the dress plus giving you a pattern you can simply cut and sew!

Then you can wear the dress with confidence because it fits the way you like. That’s the beauty of sewing dresses for yourself. 

What is you biggest struggle with sewing a dress that you love to wear?

Leave your answer in the comments below. 😊

By: Cheryl

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