
Get Motivated to Sew Surprisingly Easy

How do I get motivated and how do I keep my motivation so I don't get stuck again?

Getting motivated depends on a person’s frame of mind and their surroundings. The most important being their surroundings. Once the surroundings are to their liking, the frame of mind will also improve, giving the needed motivation.

Let's face it, how to get motivated to sew or getting motivated in anything can be difficult. And it doesn't even make a difference if we love the task or not!

Because, I love to sew, but that doesn't mean I lose motivation at times! I also love to bake but it works best when I’m inspired.

So learning how to get motivated in sewing can actually help in any area you struggle with. We might have to write some of these things down and hang them up where we can see them every day. 😉

Because I’m sure most days we lack motivation at some point. That’s life!

Do a Little Every Day-Get Motivated to Sew

You may not enjoy sewing as much as I do, but listen, the more you sew the more you get into to the rhythm and therefore, the less chance you have of losing your motivation.

It's like that for a lot of things.

For example, I like to to have company. Or rather, I like the thought of having company.

But when I actually do have company, and find out that it isn't as bad I thought it would be, I realize that I could do this more often.

And the more often I do it the easier it gets because I find a rhythm and a way of doing it that make it easier for me.

So the more often you sew, the more you will find ways to make it easier and the more you will enjoy the process because it doesn't feel like such a headache.

And whether it’s sewing, baking, doing laundry or any other task that takes concentration and forethought, having motivation is the number one key.

If there is a lack of motivation, the task may as well be in the black hole. It’s not going to get done.

So do a little every day. Sew a little every day. Bake a little every day. Clean a little every day. Whatever it is, do a little every day.

A big part of the reason for lack of motivation is that the task simply looks overwhelming. Is that right for you? The subconscious might be thinking that why start because I won’t be able to finish. 

Does it all have to get done now? Today? Does the whole dress have to get cut and sewed today or can it just be planned out today and that’s it?

If there is baking to do, does the cookie dough and all the cookies have to be done now or can the dough be made and frozen to bake later?

Cutting back on expectations for yourself and dividing the big task into smaller chunks and then doing a little every day is much easier to handle.

And by the end of the week you just may be surprised how much you actually got done! I think sometimes we put too much on ourselves and expect too much of ourselves that it just becomes overwhelming.

Do a little every day.

Purge Your Projects to Get Motivated to Sew

Get motivated to sew by purging your current sewing projects.

We all have projects that we work on but just don't finish because we have come across roadblocks.

I know I have had countless projects like that. And they weigh heavily on the mind for some reason.

Here is what you can do so that your unfinished dress will not weigh on your mind any more.


Ok, I'll whisper it in your ear because I don't want anyone else to hear.

Throw it away.

Yes, it's ok. Just tuck it at the bottom of the garbage can and pile some old papers on top so nobody else sees it.

Quiet all the voices in your head that are telling you that your action isn't frugal. Or that it's a waste of money and time.

It isn't a waste. The waste is in wasting your energy feeling frustrated about that dress because it isn't working out. It's a waste to boggle your brain any more on how to fix the roadblocks.

It's ok to throw it away!

And yes, there are times to put effort in finding a solution. But if you have tried countless times to fix the roadblocks, and the whole project is simply overwhelming, just throw it away.

Forget about it and try something else.

Another way to purge your sewing projects is to finish up unfinished projects before starting another one.

I know, that's a hard one when you have lost the inspiration to complete it. But getting those projects out of the way, whether you throw them away or finish them, will give you a clean slate and, hopefully, give you some motivation to start the next dress.

Reduce Inventory and Clean up to Get Motivated

Get motivated to sew, and maybe motivated for other things as well by going through your sewing inventory.

If you like organizing this might just be the thing that gets you motivated! 😉

And going through all your sewing stuff will help you see what you actually have! Let's face it, we can gather stuff, and more stuff and therefore, it becomes a mess very quickly!

Go through your fabric, thread, buttons and other sewing accessories and either throw away stuff or figure out how to use it up soon.

Like, you can use different colored thread on your next dress even if it doesn't totally match. It works for any seams that aren't going to show anyway.

And hey, if there is any fabric you have that you don't feel inspired about anymore, you can always gift it or donate! It won't go to waste that way and you won't have to figure out how to use it!

Do Some Easy Homemaking

And last but for sure not least, homemaking.

Getting motivated to sew isn't very possible when the house is a wreck. Dirty dishes, dirty laundry and messy rooms just don't inspire.

So here are 3 things you can do to get the motivation juices going.

Set the timer and tidy up for 10 minutes. Yes, only 10 minutes. But work quickly! 😊

Now, set the timer again for 10 minutes and wash dishes until it rings.

And then, get one load of laundry in the washer.

Ta da! Doesn't that feel better?

Don't you feel like tackling something else now?


Well, I hope one of these options inspires you and helps you get motivated! Whether it's sewing a little bit each day, purging some projects, doing some organizing or some quick cleaning around your home.

Just moving and starting something is all a person needs to get the motivation juices flowing and really get something done.

And remember, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead, it just may be that you need to divide it up into smaller chunks.

Doing one part at a time, taking it slow will be much better than looking at the whole thing and not even getting started.

You got this!

In what way do you get stuck when you look at a project that you need to work on?

By: Cheryl

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